Friday, August 9, 2013

Chapter Four: In Which Our Journey Begins

      Eoin looked up from his suitcase as the horn blasted outside. He knew he had packed; he didn't know precisely what he had packed but he was reasonably sure that he had the basic essentials. The horn blew again...and again. Eoin sighed heavily, grabbed his suitcase, locked the door, and ran down the stairs to meet Luke.
      Luke's black trailblazer was double parked in front of Eoin's apartment building causing traffic to swerve around it; thus explaining the blaring horns. Eoin waited for a lull in traffic, ran to the side of the car, and hopped in. Luke was twirling a handgun around, absentmindedly eying the traffic driving by. He grinned and pointed the gun at Eoin.
     "Look what I found!" His eyes held the gleam of a child with a new toy. "Walther PPK, Bond's gun! .380 and small enough to hide in my nether bits!"
      "Put that down! Do you even have a license for it?" Eoin wore a horrified look, more for the simple fact that Luke had a gun than for any actual fear for his own safety.
       "A license? Have you not read the constitution of this sovereign state, dear boy? It indicates that individuals are encouraged to carry all manner of weaponry and do great bodily harm to whomever has a distasteful air about them." Luke held the gun by the barrel and hammered each point as if pistol-whipping the steering wheel.
      "I actually have read our state constitution; it says that every individual has the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself and the state." Luke grinned and looked at me.
       "Word for word, very impressive, did you have to look that one up?"
        "Of course I had to look it up," Eoin replied with a flustered look, "how else would you expect me to know it?" Luke glanced over at Eoin.
         "I wasn't speaking to you dear boy, don't be absurd. But yes, everything is fine, don't you worry about licensing." With that, he slid the gun into some hidden pocket of his coat and started the car.
       The sound of some horrid rap-punk "music" filled the car as Luke pulled into traffic.
       "...and I don't give a fuck, not a single, solitary fuck 'cause I don't give a fuck, motherfucker!"
       "What the hell are you listening to?" Eoin asked, attempting to cover his ears.
       "OPM, clever name, wouldn't you say? And I do resent the smarmy quotations around the word music." Luke skipped to the next track and began singing along to "Heaven is a Halfpipe" in a beautiful, operatic, baritone. "If I die before I wake, At least in heaven I can skate, 'Cause right now on earth I can't do shit, Without the man fucking with it..." Eoin did his best to fight back his growing migraine and leaned his head against the window.

       He awoke to a peaceful voice narrating some unclassifiable fantasy novel. Confused, he looked around and recognized the bus station. Luke was calmly organizing a bag full of various knives and guns. He smiled at Eoin, “I didn’t want to wake you so I put on the Belgariad as inspiration for our journey.” Eoin wasn’t sure what the Belgariad was or how it was inspirational but he had learned better than to question the oddities of the strange Mr. Smythe.
      “Why are we at the bus station?” he asked groggily. Luke smiled and zipped up his bag of weaponry,
      “To ride the bus, dear boy, to ride the bus.” And with that he was out of the car and unloading bags and suitcases, including Eoin’s, in front of the station.
      “But where are we going and why can’t we take your car?” Eoin did his best to assist Luke but only managed to hoist one small bag before the pile was complete.
      “You said it yourself, Mr. Emmerson… North.”
      Their destination was Lansing, Michigan; Eoin deduced this by the sign on the bus, which was, at the moment, being loaded by a very angry bus driver.
      “I don’t now how you managed to get permission to bring all of this baggage and if anyone else on the bus needs more luggage space, we’re leaving yours behind!” He shouted at Luke who was busy grinning and tossing their bags up from the pile they had made earlier.
      The bus ride was mostly uneventful; Luke spent the time chatting with various passengers and seemed quite pleased with himself. Eoin sat in a window seat and continued to listen to the audio book of the Belgariad that Luke had on his ipod. He never considered himself a fan of fantasy but the book was starting to grow on him.
Eventually the bus pulled up to a ratty bus station located in what seemed to be the worst part of Lansing. The platform was full of people loitering around and giving Eoin and Luke stares that seemed to say, “Wait ‘til there’s no one around.” Luke was distractedly counting an assortment of cash, jewelry, and watches which he had apparently collected from the passengers on the bus. “Why don’t you call your friend?” He muttered in Eoin’s direction as he started sorting his new collection into various pockets.
      “And what friend would that be?” Eoin asked, not sure how Luke would know any of his friends.
      “That layabout musician friend of yours, what’s his name, Peter MacDonald I think.” Eoin stopped walking and looked at Luke.
      “How do you know Pete?” Luke continued walking for a few feet before he noticed that Eoin had stopped. He turned to him with an impatient look.
      “I don’t know him at all, I simply am aware that he is your friend and he lives in Lansing. Now do hurry along so we can remove ourselves from this neighborhood; it seems as if the natives are getting restless.” Eoin looked back towards the bus station and saw several large and unfriendly looking men motioning at them in a less than cordial manner. “Perhaps they noticed my newfound property. Whatever they want, it is a bit too late to walk away from it now.” Luke grinned and started walking back toward the men who were now leaning in the window of an old Cadillac, speaking with the driver. One of them looked up from the car and signaled the rest of them. “Please do remain back, dear boy; if it would make you feel safer, the blue bag contains the guns. I’ll be right back.” He leapt up onto the curb and smiled down at the men around the car. “Hello gentlemen! A word that I do use in it’s modern and meaningless form, how are you today?”
      “Tha fuck you want?” A large man in the center of the group swaggered up to Luke.
      “Well, I couldn’t help but notice that you seemed to be eyejobbing both myself and my young assistant over there.” Luke motioned at Eoin and smiled yet again. “Now I’m okay with the coloreds, being a progressive thinking man myself. But my assistant is from Ann Arbor and I’m sure you’re well aware of how ‘help at a distance’ those young liberals tend to be.” The large man’s face scrunched up and he seemed ready to say something but Luke calmly continued. “To sum up, if you’re going to attempt to separate me from my newfound property, please get it over with. We’re on our way to visit friends and we don’t want to have scum like yourselves following us in that pimp mobile or whatever the kids are calling them these days.”
      The big man grabbed Luke by the collar and pinned him up against the Cadillac. Eoin, in a moment of panic, began to reach for the blue bag. He paused, thought again and brought out his mobile phone, preparing to call the police. As he dialed, he saw Luke grinning as the men hit him over and over again. Eventually he got through to the local dispatch and gave them a brief summary of what was happening. He was told to calm down and that an officer was on the way.
      Meanwhile, the gang of men was rifling through Luke’s pockets and, amazingly, coming up empty handed. They were obviously becoming more and more frustrated as they discovered more and more empty pockets. Luke was still grinning maniacally, blood streaming down his face. He was no longer looking at Eoin though. Instead he was staring at a man standing off to the side. The man was black, in his early thirties, and either homeless or at the extremes of poverty. The man wore a pained expression and seemed to be waiting or listening for something.
       Eoin put the man out of his mind and scanned the street for police, nothing yet, where were they? He looked back at Luke, still grinning and now beginning to lap up the blood as it poured down his face. He whispered something to the large man in the center.
      “You got a secret? The fuck you talkin bout?” He looked at the rest of his crew as if for support, shrugged, and leaned down. A reasonable man would see no danger in this action; Luke was beaten to the point where he shouldn’t even be conscious and he had been checked for weapons. Unfortunately for our nameless villain, these were not normal circumstances. As the man leaned down, Luke bit his eyeball and reached up with both hands. In one hand he had a knife, which he quickly plunged into the side of the man’s neck; with the other hand, he lit the man’s dreadlocks on fire. Still biting onto the man’s eyeball, he let out a bloodcurdling scream of joy and wrenched his head back, tearing the eyeball from the socket. While this was happening, the homeless man came running up and started fighting two of the other men that had been beating Luke.

      Eoin had no idea what to do. The large man was screaming as his friends attempting to put out the fire now consuming his hair, Luke was literally howling and spraying blood out of his mouth at the driver of the Cadillac, and the homeless man was taking on three young gang members by himself. He felt like he should do something to help but he knew next to nothing about fighting and he certainly didn’t want to be holding an unlicensed gun when the police finally showed up. Luckily the decision was soon taken out of his hands as the group of men pulled their injured leader into the Cadillac and drove away.

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